Touhou Sangetsusei, also known as Eastern and Little Nature Deity, is the first official manga of the Sangetsusei series. It follows the adventures of three fairies: Sunny Milk, Star Sapphire, and Luna Child. The manga's chapters were published in the MediaMix Game Magazine. However, due to Nemu Matsukura's inability to continue drawing, Makoto Hirasaka took over the artwork, and the manga was renamed. The story revolves around the daily lives and misadventures of these three fairies in the mystical world of Gensokyo. Gensokyo is a land separate from the real world, inhabited by various mythical creatures and beings. The fairies often find themselves involved in comical situations as they interact with other characters from the Touhou Project universe. The chapters of Touhou Sangetsusei were subsequently collected into tankobon volumes. In addition to the main manga, there are several related manga series that expand on the world of Gensokyo and its characters. Some of these include Touhou-Inaba of the Moon & Inaba of the Earth, Touhou Ephemeral Moon Vignette - Silent Sinner in Blue, Strange and Bright Nature Deity, Touhou Sangetsusei - Oriental Sacred Place, Touhou Ibarakasen - Wild and Horned Hermit, and Touhou Suzunaan - Forbidden Scrollery. Touhou Sangetsusei stands out for its lighthearted and humorous storytelling, presenting a unique slice-of-life experience within the Touhou universe. The manga explores the vibrant world of Gensokyo through the eyes of the mischievous fairies, providing an entertaining and enjoyable read for fans of the Touhou Project. With its charming characters and captivating art style, Touhou Sangetsusei is a must-read for anyone interested in the Touhou franchise or manga in general.
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